Good vision consists of: good focus, teaming, tracking, processing and visual memory. It is the key building block for academic learning and sports. Even some of the best students may have deficiencies in these areas.
Deficiencies in these area (binocular abnormalies) can result in re-reading, poor line tracking, poor comprehension, low to no interest, slow erratic reading, poor concentration, poor sport performance, and some cases A.D.D. like symptoms.
Vision therapy is a series of eye exercises that addresses these issues. Good vision is developed and a learned skill after birth. As we know, a great deal of both visual and general skills are learned at a young age. Vision therapy can produce better and quicker result in younger patients. Effectiveness of vision therapy may reduce as we age but it is very possible to correct visual problems in any ages.
When visual problems like mentioned above exist, rather than focusing on the use of corrective lenses, we recommend a vision therapy evaluation (binocular, eye track & visual memory evaluation) to diagnose properly. After a proper diagnosis is made, the patient will be presented with a type of therapy and course of treatment they will need.
Vision therapy consists of a series of both in-office activities and home work assignments. Home work assignments last about 20 minutes each day and are a crucial part of their success. Progress of vision therapy will be monitored by eye tracker and grade level reading score as well as range of subjective test results.
We utilize a hi-tech state of the art vision therapy system as well as a conventional hands on method to achieve measurable results quickly. Please call us for more information and to make an appointment today!