Are There Comfortable Keratoconus Lenses ??

“ I can’t wait to take the lenses out of my eyes as soon as I get home” or “ My eye hurts when I take the lenses out. ” are the common complaints we hear from the current keratoconus patients. Good fitting keratoconus lenses can be reasonably comfortable while providing vision we needed.

I am sure you heard of ” we are trading in comfort for the vision.” That is still somewhat true but not as much as before thanks to newer types of lenses. For example, Kerasoft lenses are as comfortable as common weekly disposable soft contact lenses but as clear as small hard lenses ( RGP). We are big fan of using Kerasoft lenses for mild to moderate conditions. Even many advanced keratoconus can be fitted successfully with large diameter RGP scleral lenses to improve comfort and vision. The hybrid lenses ( RGP centered soft lenses) such as Synergeyes Lenses can be very comfortable long term solution when fitted correctly with proper movement of lenses with each blinking of eyes. Even small diameter RGP lenses can be reasonably comfortable if it rests on broader area of cornea with good centration.

We have been diligently expanding our portfolio of keratoconus contact lens offerings. We fit our patients with brand names like, Kerasoft, Normal eyes Scleral lenses, Synergeyes, Rose -K and custom RGP lenses and soft/ hard (RGP) piggy back lenses.

Comfortable Keratoconus Contact Lenses -Is it Possible?

Can I Get Fitted for Comfortable Keratoconus Contact Lenses??

Keratoconus requires some form of hard(rigid) contact lenses to improve vision beyond what a pair of eyeglasses can provide.  The most frequent  complaints of keratoconus patients are ”  lenses are uncomfortable and hard to wear long enough hours to cover a typical day”.  All the keratoconic contact lenses – custom soft, RGP ( Rose K etc.), hybrid , scleral- have inherent comfort level characteristics but all can be reasonably comfortable if it is matched correctly.

What kind of Contact Lens Options are available?

Except eyeglasses and general soft contact lenses, there are more than few options are available for keratoconus. Custom made keratoconus soft lenses, Rigid Gas Permeable(RGP, ie Rose-K..)  lenses, Hybrid ( Synergeyes.. etc.) lenses, custom soft contact lenses ( Kerasoft..etc)  and Scleral ( Normal Eyes..  etc) are major groups of lenses that are commonly used for keratoconus fitting.

What are the differences of the lenses?

Here are my takes on the lenses;
1) Soft Lenses for Keratoconus :- very comfortable, fairly clear vision, great for early to moderate cases.
2) RGP lenses for Keratoconus( Rose K etc..): Very clear vision, not too comfortable, easy to use, great for most cases.
3) Hybrid lenses( Synergeye..etc) : Good clear Vision, Comfortable, somewhat difficult to use.
4) Scleral lenses( Normal Eyes, Rose K XL..etc): Good clear vision, great for advanced cases, relatively comfortable, somewhat difficult to use.

Which lens is the best for me?

There are no one lens that is the best for the every cases. The type of lenses should be  determined by condition of cornea and desired comfort level and easy of use. You should have a discussion with a contact lens specialist about your condition and pros and cons of your options. In our practice, we have many happy patients with different lens types. Some lenses may require more work than others to achieve desired comfort level and vision.




Synergeyes Keratoconus Lenses

SynergEyes_logoSynergeyes lenses are made of two different lens materials. They offer clear vision similar to that of the hard gas permeable lenses (RGP) but are as comfortable as the soft contact lenses.

If you are looking for a more comfortable keratoconus lense ask Dr. Youn about Synergeyes Keratoconus contact lenses.   Dr. Youn has been working with Synergeye Keratoconus lenses and has had great success with many former hard lense patients.

Contact our office today for more information at (248) 332-0200.



Keratoconus is a disorder that occurs when the normally circular cornea (the front part of the eye) becomes thin and irregularly (cone) shaped. This irregular shape prevents the light entering the eye from being focused correctly on the retina and causes blurred vision. Most keratoconus patients are managed by using some type of specialty lenses to improve their vision. At EyePlace, we offer complete options for keratoconus management. We use soft, rigid, hybrid, or even a combination of lenses to meet each patient’s needs. Today’s Keratoconic contact lenses are much more advanced and comfortable than ever, providing a more comfortable experience. Upon consultation with Dr. Youn, we will present you with the best options for your eyes.

If you have optical insurance, your keratoconic contact lens fitting expense can be covered by your insurance. Please bring your insurance at the time of consultation with Dr. Youn.