Are There Comfortable Keratoconus Lenses ??

“ I can’t wait to take the lenses out of my eyes as soon as I get home” or “ My eye hurts when I take the lenses out. ” are the common complaints we hear from the current keratoconus patients. Good fitting keratoconus lenses can be reasonably comfortable while providing vision we needed.

I am sure you heard of ” we are trading in comfort for the vision.” That is still somewhat true but not as much as before thanks to newer types of lenses. For example, Kerasoft lenses are as comfortable as common weekly disposable soft contact lenses but as clear as small hard lenses ( RGP). We are big fan of using Kerasoft lenses for mild to moderate conditions. Even many advanced keratoconus can be fitted successfully with large diameter RGP scleral lenses to improve comfort and vision. The hybrid lenses ( RGP centered soft lenses) such as Synergeyes Lenses can be very comfortable long term solution when fitted correctly with proper movement of lenses with each blinking of eyes. Even small diameter RGP lenses can be reasonably comfortable if it rests on broader area of cornea with good centration.

We have been diligently expanding our portfolio of keratoconus contact lens offerings. We fit our patients with brand names like, Kerasoft, Normal eyes Scleral lenses, Synergeyes, Rose -K and custom RGP lenses and soft/ hard (RGP) piggy back lenses.

Paragon 공막 렌즈 처방

이번에 Paragon Science 에서 새로 나온 공막용 Normal Eyes렌즈를저희검안원에서는처방합니다. 공막(Sclera)렌즈는 안구의 하얀 부분을 이용하는 렌즈이기때문에 각막에 이상이 있거나 하드렌즈가 건조 하여 더이상 낄수 없으신 분에게 권장 할만한 렌즈입니다. 공막렌즈는 착용감이 편하며 시력의 선명도가 매우 높은 렌즈 입니다. 라식수술이 잘못되었거나 RK( 방사형 각막 수술)에 불편이 있으신분에게 꼭 추천해드리는 렌즈 입니다.