High Definition Retinal OCT Scan

oct-scan-retinaThe eyes are the windows to the brain. By understanding layers and cells of eyes, we can understand more of our ultimate mystery, the  brain. Seeing the layers of live retina was not possible until OCT technology. HD-OCT shows even more details of eyes down to the individual layers. Some layers in the retina changes way before the vision changes. Macular degeneration, glaucoma  and diabetic eye disease are some of many eye diseases that can benefit from this early detection technology. oct-cirrus-5000The eyes close association with brain also reveals changes in some systemic diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Youn  strongly believes the HD- OCT technology and decide to offer this futuristic diagnostic test to anyone who is interested. We use Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT ( Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomographer). If you have family history of central retinal disease or using plaquenil ( hydroxychlroloquine), or interested to analyze retinal ganglion cells in conjunction with  MS or Alzheimer’s, ask us at the time of your appointment.

Zeiss Cirrus HD OCT Retinal Scan Available at EyePlace

scan_analysisWe made a high resolution retina scan down to cellular level available to Any Patients. Zeiss Cirrus HD-OCT (spectral domain retinal tomography) is the way to early-detect and monitor glaucoma, macular degenerations, diabetic eye diseases, medication induced retinal changes and subtle changes of vision. With this technology, we do not need to wait until diseases affect vision or eyes negatively to diagnose. Prominent studies suggest early changes of multiple sclerosis and even Alzheimer’s can be seen with retinal ganglion cell analysis with Zeiss Cirrus HD OCT Ganglion Cell Analysis. Please ask us more for this service when you schedule an appointment.

당뇨성 망막염 검안

당뇨성 망막염은 성인 실명의 가장 큰 요인입니다. 당뇨가 있으신 분들은 매년 정기적으로 동공확대 검안을 하셔야 합니다. 당뇨성 망막염의 치료는 적기를 놓치면 결과가 좋지 않읍니다.그시기를 놓치지 않으려면 정기적 검안이 꼭 필요로 합니다. 당뇨성 망막염 증상이 없는 당뇨 환자들은 매년 정기적 검안이 필요하고 증상에 따라서 더자주 눈 검사를 요합니다. 한자 본인이 느낄수있을 정도의 당뇨성 시력 감퇴는 망막염의 진전도가 높을때에 일어납니다. 눈에 이상이 있을때 까지 기다리는 실수는 돌이킬수 없는산황을 종종 초래 합나다.